• Ephesians 2:10
    "For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."

Fight with Determination

August 1 2024

There is a group of people who get knocked down and immediately jump back up. Others take a moment to gather themselves before standing up again. But they do get back on their feet. Then, there are those who stay down, living the rest of their lives in defeat, afraid of falling again. Which group do you fall into?

During our lifetime, we will face battles against various challenges or people. I once believed that these struggles would fade with age, but now, at seventy, I understand that they persist until the very end.

Those who rise after being knocked down often face one or more of the following battles. While this list isn’t exhaustive, it highlights some of the major challenges.

Marriage-Some people are fighting to maintain their marriage. The realization that the marriage is in trouble is painful. But they honor the covenant and will endure the hard times if it keeps the marriage and the family intact.

Financial-Some people are fighting to stay afloat financially. They have made some bad financial decisions and their heads are barely above water. However, they are determined to pay off their debts and avoid bankruptcy. They understand the sacrifice that has to be made in order to lessen the financial load.

Loneliness-Some people are fighting against loneliness. They may have lost a spouse or significant person in their lives due to death or divorce and the loneliness at times seems overwhelming. They have purposed in their hearts to find ways to offset the loneliness by joining support groups, traveling with groups, getting involved in activities at church, or taking up hobbies that fill the time.

Sickness-Some people are fighting against ongoing health issues. As soon as one illness is addressed, another one develops. I know a person who had a double mastectomy and went through chemotherapy and radiation treatments successfully. Two years later she was diagnosed with colon cancer. In both illnesses, she never felt sorry for herself and was up and walking within a couple of days. I heard her say, I am going to beat this. She is a fighter.

Disabilities-Some people are fighting to overcome disabilities. They don’t deny them, but they don’t allow them define who they are. Each day is approached with enthusiasm and vigor because another opportunity is afforded. When I saw a young man who had only one arm catch a basketball midair and dunk it, I thought to myself, we should never complain.

In order to maintain the stamina to fight, you have to be connected to the Lord Jesus Christ who strengthens you. His Word produces in us the mindset to fight with determination. You’ll see that when you put your trust in Him, your strength will be renewed like an eagle. You’ll walk and not be weary and run and not faint. Each time you get knocked down, you’ll have the power to stand again.

Stay connected to power source and be determined to fight and never give up!!!

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